
Mommy and Baby Classes

I'm writing for suggestions from ANYBODY on where I can find Mommy and Baby classes. Instead of sitting home every day, I really think Jaeli would enjoy getting out and doing something fun. Then I think, is it worth dragging her out into the sick-infested community we all exist in? I really feel she needs more exposure...especially to music and even to just be around other little ones. Any ideas would be so great. Mentioning money would be important too. We need classes that aren't going to cost us an arm and a leg.


mrs.d said...

USU Child Development Infant/Toddler Lab...I hear the teacher is phenomenal!!

Cami said...

They have those Mommy and Me classes at the Clearfeild aquatic center, also I think that Tumbling place right on 1800 has a mommy and me tumbling class, all at a good price.

Jewls said...

Check out your local library?