
4 Month Stats

Airalyn: (Now that I look at this, I think her percentages are screwed up)
Length: 21.18 in. (32%)
Weight: 9 lbs. 8.5 oz. (421%)
Head: 36.8 cm. (25%)
* Eating: Enfacare mixed to 24 calories
* Right side of her head is a little flat....do neck and head exercises to help with it and lay her on her opposite side.
* Fun things: trying to roll, cooing, smiling, loves her baths

Length: 21.22 in. (95%)
Weight:9 lbs. 5 oz. (96%)
Head: 37.25 cm. (92%)
*Eating: Enfacare mixed to 24 calories
* Give Miralax when needed (stool softener)
* Start to wean oxygen....start with down to 1/16
* Still taking Spiralactone, Diurul and Pulmacort
* Fun things: cooing, VERY observant and alert, smiling a TON, loves her baths

Length: 21.38 in. (96%)
Weight: 9 lbs. 5.5 in. (97%)
Head: 35.3 cm. (63%)
* Eating: Prosobee (SOY) mixed to 22 calories
* Give Miralax when needed (stool softener)
* Left side of her head is a little flat....do neck and head exercises to help with it and lay her on her opposite side.
* Fun things: cooing, smiling, loves her baths

The girls are getting SOOOO big! :)  Love them so much!  Next appointments coming up:

Airalyn: Cardiac follow-up on June 7 at McKay Dee
Brecklin: Pulmonary Specialist on June 20 at Primary Children's
Camli: 3rd, and hopefully final, hearing test in June


Snuggling Sisters: HAPPY 4 MONTHS!

Camli being such a lady while eating


Brecklin had just finished....such big eyes you have Brecky Bug!

(L-R): Camli, Airalyn then Brecklin....WOW!   Camli decided to share her space!

Getting along at the moment.  I think I'll show them this when they are teenagers and fighting over clothes....'See girls...you DID love one another.' :)

Brecklin holding on to Airalyn for dear life.

Camli covering her eyes and Brecklin wanting to know where Mommy is at ALL times


Sweet Serenade...

Jaeli wanted to hold Airalyn, but she was a bit fussy.  I asked her to sing her a song and here is what I got.  I ADORE THIS VIDEO! :)


An Apple a Day.........


This week has been crazy with a TON of doctors appointments for all the girls........
*Brecklin's check after being discharged:
Brecklin looks the best she's looked.  Her breathing is normal and she seems so much happier.  She is my angel baby.  So calm and patient. 

*Jaeli to Instacare for her annoying cough and runny nose

*Jaeli to ENT to
Removed an ear tube that was falling out

*Jaeli's 3 year well check
Jaeli's stats:
Length: 38.27 in.- 79%
Weight: 33.4 lbs.- 75%
She's looking really great and didn't need any immunizations this time. Way to go Jaeli!

*The triplets weigh in
Triplets Weigh in:
Airalyn" 8 lbs.
Brecklin: 8 lbs. 1.5 oz.
Camli: 8 lbs. 6.5 oz.


Brecklin: 3rd Time's a Charm

Update on Brecklin....I took her to her appointment today and here are the stats: Oh, PS and by the way: I AM NOT TAKING HER BACK TO THE NICU!  Love them tremendously, but I want her home. :)

Weight: 8 lbs: 59th percentile
Length: 53 cm: 90th percentile
Head Circumference: 35.7 cm: 74th percentile

The doctor said she looks the best she's ever seen her.  Her breathing was awesome and she was calm and her coloring is good.  I'm so happy my Brecky Bug is looking great.  I really think the Pulmacort (breathing treatments) are helping a lot.  Love you baby! :)

A Sneak Peek Into a Zundel Triplet Feeding

Our 'NICU' board.  I have to keep track somehow.  This thing has got it all.  How much they eat, what type of diaper they have, medications that need to be taken and the time that all happens for EACH baby.  Crazy, I know, but I have to try to be organized.

So, without further ado, here is how a feeding for all 3 at the same time happens.
 Step #1 is writing on the board and getting the bottles warmed up
.  Step #2 is getting diapers and wipes ready.

Step #3: Clothes picked out

Step #4: Bums and clothes changed one at a time

Step #5: Getting the babies to eat

Airalyn a happy camper now with her bottle.

Brecklin in heaven.

Camli eats hers the quickest and almost always falls asleep while doing it.

Hi girls! :)


I Am Embarassed To Say...........