
4 Month Stats

Airalyn: (Now that I look at this, I think her percentages are screwed up)
Length: 21.18 in. (32%)
Weight: 9 lbs. 8.5 oz. (421%)
Head: 36.8 cm. (25%)
* Eating: Enfacare mixed to 24 calories
* Right side of her head is a little flat....do neck and head exercises to help with it and lay her on her opposite side.
* Fun things: trying to roll, cooing, smiling, loves her baths

Length: 21.22 in. (95%)
Weight:9 lbs. 5 oz. (96%)
Head: 37.25 cm. (92%)
*Eating: Enfacare mixed to 24 calories
* Give Miralax when needed (stool softener)
* Start to wean oxygen....start with down to 1/16
* Still taking Spiralactone, Diurul and Pulmacort
* Fun things: cooing, VERY observant and alert, smiling a TON, loves her baths

Length: 21.38 in. (96%)
Weight: 9 lbs. 5.5 in. (97%)
Head: 35.3 cm. (63%)
* Eating: Prosobee (SOY) mixed to 22 calories
* Give Miralax when needed (stool softener)
* Left side of her head is a little flat....do neck and head exercises to help with it and lay her on her opposite side.
* Fun things: cooing, smiling, loves her baths

The girls are getting SOOOO big! :)  Love them so much!  Next appointments coming up:

Airalyn: Cardiac follow-up on June 7 at McKay Dee
Brecklin: Pulmonary Specialist on June 20 at Primary Children's
Camli: 3rd, and hopefully final, hearing test in June


TP said...

I love that they all love the bath. They are getting big, and still so dang cute!!

Megan Campbell Carter said...

YAY! So cute! Ok, so we have our 3rd hearing test tomorrow and I'm praying for good things and also hope it's the final. I guess it's 4 if you count the hospital's test. Dang the preemies little teeny ears. :)

Aunt Judy said...

They are growing so pretty and pink.
It will be fun to see them in July. I wish I could be a roving full time Grandma and come help you some days.

jami v. said...

i love reading how they are growing, and what they are doing! and i am forever amazed at you!!! :) woot-woo, mom!!

Enjoying Our Journey said...

They just get cuter and cuter!