
35 Weeks, Bottles and BIG GIRL BEDS

 Random before shot of my hair.....
 and AFTER! :)
 Daddy feeding Airalyn
 She's so wide awake!
 Feeding Brecky Bug
 She's such a champ!

Camli did really well too!
I can't get rid of this duplicate picture, but she's cute enough! :)
 Airalyn at 35 weeks and 1 day....they have ALL graduated to BIG GIRL BEDS! :)
 Brecky in her cute hat
 3 more princesses added to our family...(L-R): Camli, Airalyn and Brecklin
 Camli lovin' her paci
 Daddy and the girlies
 Airalyn and Brecky Bug
 Camli in her BIG GIRL bed
 Brecklin in her BIG GIRL bed
Airalyn in her BIG GIRL bed


TP said...

They are getting big and are so cute. Congrats on the big beds and bottles. I'm glad they are all doing so well!

Jennylyn said...

so sweet. I can't wait to cuddle those cute little ladies. I'm so happy all is going so wel!

Trisha said...

So tiny, yet so perfect!

Momma Monkey said...

Gthey are doing so well! Dan's face always looks a little hesitant in the pictures he's holding all three, lol.