
'Make a Complaint Monday'-Decisions BITE

I would like to complain about making REALLY hard decisions.  I know we all have to make them, so I am looking forward to some responses on this 'Make a Complaint Monday'.  

Dan and I have been having to make some hard decisions lately, and I hate it..........
* Should we sell the Subaru and get a van?

* Where should we take the Subaru to get fixed?

* Should we replace our fence?

* Should I, at this moment, pursue starting a Preschool?

* What should the theme for Jaeli's 1st birthday party be?  HAHA, this really is a decision right now.

You get the idea.  Some of these decisions BITE!  And these are just a few things we're thinking about right now.  Are any of you making huge decisions in your life and just don't want to?  I am feeling like I want to go back to being young and having no worries.  I'm done being the mom, the adult.  In the words of my sis-in-law, "my plate is full".  I don't have room for more BOLOGNA or those nasty army peas from a can my mom used to feed us.  WE are officially overwhelmed.



Jewls said...

I hate change. Our ward just split and it's a big adjustment..I wish they would have waited til after the baby came...now all of our friends are in the other ward and I'm feeling bummed!

Oh...and I hate waiting...I wish baby Z would come tonight..for my sake, but mostly for T's!

Lindsey T said...

Yes, big decisions bite! Remember when we were 15 and didn't have a care in the world aside from whether some certain boys liked us or not?! Well, your boy sure liked you!! :) We're kind of in a lull now, but there's always a big decision on the horizon, that's life I guess! I hope you can make some room on your plate for something yummy!! (fried rice?)

B/L Clark said...

I so understand about making big decisions. I'm trying to decide whether or not to quit my job, how I can do it, and if we can afford it. So I hear you loud and clear! I thought you had decided to do the Princess and the Pea for Jae's birthday? Oh and I say don't get a van just yet.

B/L Clark said...

Oh and I also say you should at least look into the preschool thing. Do your research and then you can decide whether or not it is something you want to pursue.