
Make a Complaint Monday- What's WEIGHING on MY Mind....

I thought and thought about what I could complain about today......the weather, nah everyone is doing that right now, and rightfully so.......my weight gain, nah everyone is complaining about that right now too.......the economy, nah (do I have to say it).......THEN I thought, 'Nat, you really do want to complain about your weight gain, but do it in a different way.....'

So..........my complaint today, is actually those who think they are the shiz JUST because they are skinny or in shape.......MORESO those that JUDGE others SOLELY based on their weight. Does being heavier make you a bad person? Does eating a candy bar or drinking a soda once in a while make you worthy of the gossip that begins as soon as the delicious treats hit your mouth?

You may think, 'It's only fat people that think this way', and I am bigger, but when I was a lot smaller than I am now, I felt the same way. In short, don't judge those that may be struggling with their weight or with more than you'll ever know.

Remember: Feel free to leave a complaint of your own or comment on mine! It is 'Make a Complaint Monday!'


Kristin said...

As you know Natalie I've always struggled with my weight. Right before I had kids I started to get control over it and of course that was thrown out the window by having two kids in one year. Last year I had an epiphany. I was the biggest that I had ever been and was struggling to lose weight. Almost all of my life I thought that maybe I was lesser than other people or that they might not want to be my friend because of my size. I was also thinking of some great women that have been in my life and two of the amazing women are in my ward right now and are significantly over weight. But their weight doesn't even come to mind when I think about them and the great women that they are. And then I thought well maybe people see me the same way. Maybe they don't see my weight. The people that matter and are important to me I know don't see my size and for other people if they do, I don't want them in my life anyway. Sorry for the novel but your complaint today hit close to home. Love ya Nat!

Zach J said...

Resediency requirements.

Kristin said...

Oh Nat, this post didn't upset me. I'm just glad that there are people out there like you. I think it's great that these issues are brought up and we're able to discuss them.

Jewls said...

I get the same thing, but for being quote, "too skinny". Bah! People are dumb, the end!
Love you Nat!

Zundel Girls....AND Daddy said...

Agreed Julie. It goes either way. My point, just accept people for who they are NOT what they look like. :) Love you too!

Unknown said...

Hi, stopping by from Sits! So far, I like what I see, my only complaint would be that sometimes it's hard to read the words because of the background showing through. Other than that, I like what I see. Love all the pictures. It makes it more personal, so keep it up.

Unknown said...

I think you're great just the way you are!