
9 Month Stats

Brecklin, Airalyn and Camli on Halloween, 2012
All of the girls have been given the ok to eat solids morning, noon and night...with bottles to supplement.  Airalyn can even have a sippy with water for hydration if needed. :)  They are growing soooo fast!  TOO FAST!  We love our TRIO! :)

Weight: 17 lbs. 10 oz. (7%)
Length: 25.98 in. (25%)
Head: 43 cm. (22 %)
Airalyn Loves:
* FOOD-which is apparent
* Holding her own bottle
* Rolling
* Being held
* Playing with toys
* Mommy and Daddy
FOLLOW-UP for her heart is soon!

Weight: 14 lbs. 8.5 oz. (1%)
Length: 24 in. (1%)
Head: 42.5 (11%)
Brecklin Loves:
* Laughing
* Growling
* Rolling
* Being by her sisters
* Touching faces
* Sucking on her fingers (finally found her thumb, but when really tired, it's still her thumb joint)
* Playing with toys
* Mommy (very attached)
FOLLOW -UP for her lungs is on Nov. 13

Weight: 14 lbs. 8 oz. (1%)
Length: 25 in. (1%)
Head: 45 cm. (77%)--THIS HAS TO BE WRONG
Camli Loves:
* Her big sissy Jaeli
* Making new sounds with her mouth
* Talking with mommy
* Holding blankets
* Starting to hold more toys
FOLLOW-UP for hearing is soon!
REFERRED TO AN ENT and diagnosed with obstructive apnea.  She may have surgery to get her adnoids out.

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