
Girls are GREAT

Updates and a cute video are included:

Rolling both ways
Pushing up
Holding and playing with toys really well
Getting a tooth on the bottom
LOVES TO EAT...cries every time her bottle is empty

Laughing so much
Smiling a lot
Rolling both ways (not as often as Airalyn)
Holding and playing with toys
I think she's teething....but I can't see anything yet
HATES her oxygen now and growls at her breathing treatment mask

Laughing....has THE cutest giggle
Likes to be held but UP
LOVES to bounce
Sooooo long
HATES to be moved or changed too much
Getting a tooth on the bottom
And here is the cute video of Jaeli +Trio


Momma Monkey said...

oh, so cute! They are getting big!

The Hunts said...

Seriously watching your videos and reading your blog is like one big mirror of my life. Even the shows on in the background and the same boppy cover I have. Haha! Honestly it's so comforting to know that there are others that have the same joys that I do because sometimes I just wish everyone could go through it haha! We definitely need to get our little kiddos together sometime!

The Hunts said...

And I think it's hilarious that she growls at her oxygen mask! Oh my gosh! Smart little stinkers. Your girls are rolling and doing so many things...this is amazing. Our girls took MUCH longer to do some of those things...you have healthy happy babies!!