
Hospital Bed Rest.... at 24 Weeks

Well, here we are....well I am.  Dan, my mom, Jaeli and I went out shopping on Friday to get things for the babies.  I started to contract and hurt sooo bad that Dan and my mom made me come in.  My mom took Jaeli back to her house, and Dan and I came up to Labor and Delivery.  They checked us to find I was dilated to a 2 and 50 % effaced.  After all the fun checking and IVs....I was admitted to the Labor and Delivery Floor.

Friday was a really bad night...I contracted most the time, they had Penicillan going for the babies, gave me the shots in the hips to get their lungs developing, Magnesium Solfate to strengthen their Neurological systems....etc.  On top of that, I had leg braces on massaging my legs for blood clots and horrendous RLS and heartburn.  They are also giving me a medication that helps relax my uterus so I don't contract as much.  i tell ya though, if I'm between those doses, I can CERTAINLY feel them and they make me so sick and sore.  they can only give me 8 doses of those, so we'll see if they have anything else to give me for that after.

  I am grateful for my family taking care of Jaeli and Dan's family coming to visit and giving me a blessing.  It's so comforting to know we have a supportive family there.  I was also very grateful Dan was here with me that night for sure.

Yesterday, Dan headed to my mom's to take Jaeli to lunch.  My Grandparents came up from Logan and my Aunt and Uncle came to see Jaeli.  I worry so much about my 'Pea'.  She's having a really hard time.  Later in the afternoon, Becky, Rico and Ryan came to say hey (thanks to you guys too).  My mom and Dan's parents came out last night to visit, so I wasn't totally alone for New Year's.  They gave me Ambien to help me sleep, so that was nice.  Happy New Year, right? :)

I'm so emotional today...SUNDAY, 3 days into this.  I want to go home.  I want to hold my Jaeli, be home with Dan.  I'm done with this....then I think of my sweet 3 that NEED this monitoring and care.  I need to find a balance.  Today they have given me some medication and then they have monitored the babies and contractions.  The babies all look WONDERFUL!

I just had the Relief Society come in, on the Hospital floor here, and they shared a message with me about hope....I am going to put it here.

The Infinite Power of Hope
Hope in God, His goodness, and His power refreshes us with courage during difficult challenges.

Hope is one leg of a three-legged stool, together with faith and charity.  Hope has the power to fill our lives with happiness.  Hope is a gift of the Spirit.  Hope in our Heavenly Father's merciful plan of happiness leads to peace, mercy, rejoicing and gladness.

Hope is like the beam of sunlight rising up and above the horizon of our present circumstance.  It pierces the darkness with a brilliant dawn.  It encourages and inspires us to place our trust in the loving care of an eternal father.

Hope sustains us through despair.

To all who suffer--to all who feel discouraged, worried, or lonely--I say with love and deep concn for you, never give in.  Never surrender.  Never allow despair to overcome your spirit.

Embrace and rely upon the Hope of Israel, for the love of the Son of God pierces all darkness, softens all sorrow, and gladdens every heart.

--Dieter F. Uchtdorf, Second Counselor of the First Presidency
Ensign Nov. 2008


Troy and Lisa said...

Oh Nat, I hope and pray this will go fast for you. I know it can't be easy but you are right that it's good for the babies. We're praying for you and your sweet family!

Lindsey T said...

I'm so sorry Nat, it's so hard to be stuck at the hospital with a little one at home, but like you said, you've gotta do what's best for the babies right now. We're all praying for you and those sweet little girls. I too hope it goes quickly for you!! Sending lots of love your way!!!!!

nevadavans said...

Dan & Nat, you are in our thoughts and prayers! Hope is a great blessing and I do Hope that all goes well. Thanks for the updates and remember you are loved way out here in Nevada!!!