
"Potty Power", Kind of!

Don't let this fool you. Yes, she's on a potty, yes she loves it..........but we haven't actually had any surprises in it yet.....the good thing is, she's excited about it, right? :) This made ma laugh!


Jewls said...

Yuck...you've got that adventure looming in the very near future! I don't envy you guys, I'm glad we have a while before we start the potty training fun!

Unknown said...

How old is she? Kwynn was 2 1/2 before she decided she would actually go on the potty. Kodie has now been potty trained for about 3 weeks. She was faster only took 4 days to 1 week! Awesome! She is barely 2! Good Luck! Don't rush it, she will go when she is ready!

B/L Clark said...

So flippin cute!