
'Make a Complaint Monday'-Hurry! Baby-Proof That!

This 'Make a Complaint Monday' is dedicated to Lacey.....yes you Lacey Jo. Thanks for the idea.

How many of you have had to baby proof a house? My complaint.........BABY PROOFING (or trying to baby proof)! As I walked into the house today after trying to get the brakes fixed on the car-to no avail, then hitting the Walmart, which I ALWAYS love, I popped open a delicious, cold refreshing CAFFEINE FREE DP. I set it on the couch (I know, my first mistake) and Samsun, my son (really my kitty) had to jump and get love. There went the DP, my NECTAR of life.......spilling all over the couch..my rear end slowly getting soaked......Samsun trying to lap up everything he could. WHERE IS MY COFFEE TABLE???? Ya know, the thing that you can set stuff on and pretty much know it'll be safe?

YEAH, it's down in the basement.......from our poor attempt to baby proof our house. Having to adapt and move everything we're used to for little Jaeli Pea is inconvenient? Are there professionals that will come and baby proof a house? Leave a name and number here if you know. :)

P.S and by the way: Preschool Pandemonium is updated as well. Take a look.


Unknown said...

I can't believe you moved your coffee table! She might hit her head once, but she won't do it again. Unless she's like my kids it takes a few times before they realize it is still there and not moving! Baby proofing cupboards and drawers for sure, but moving furniture, you are extreme! But at least Jaeli won't have brain damage like mine probably will! Ha ha ha!

Unknown said...

Coffee tables....yeah, I'd move it! Justin and I got a call from home when we were in New York last year saying that Brenden had hit his lip on the coffee table and they (my in-laws) were taking him to the ER. No fun! I'd rather have a spilled DP than a trip to the ER!!! Oh, and on your preschool page go to the Settings section and then to the Publishing section. I think you may be able to change your original address.

Jewls said...

Ha ha...we had to baby proof for our home study so we at least have all of our electrical outlets plugged...we'll have to work on moving the untouchables later when he's mobile!

B/L Clark said...

Thanks for the shout out! So today I think I will complain about poop. Thats right poop! This morning I was getting Wade ready to take a bath and I noticed a little yellow on his towel. Of course I knew he had pooped and it was overflowing out the top of his diaper. No big deal. Or so I thought. I take off his diaper and start cleaning him up, he then poops again. So I catch it in the diaper and continue cleaning him up. In the process he poops a 3rd time and this time I missed catching it with his diaper. I turn him sideways out of the poop and he finds it with his hand. His poor towel had so much poop on it! At least he didn't poop in the bathtub. The last time he did that it grossed me out.