Yes, yes I do. I am in the process of trying to wean my little one. I don't mind nursing, in fact it's been a great bonding moment for Jaeli and I, but now....NOW she has 6 TEETH! Can you say ouch?! I would keep nursing her, but I don't enjoy the pain. I know she doesn't mean to, but it happens every time I nurse her.
I need suggestions, help, whatever you're willing to give me at this point. Today I decided I was going to give up and endure the's not worth the torture we are going through TRYING to wean her. I feel she's always hungry, even though I give her cereal, veggies and fruits. She will NOT take a bottle no matter what I do. She just cries whenever it gets close to her. It's not worth it. HELP!!!!!!!!!
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We found out Landon had a protein intolerance at 3 months. I had to seriously alter my diet if I wanted to continue nursing him. He wouldn't take a bottle either. But, at 5 months his allergy got so severe the specialist we were seeing for it told me I needed to stop nursing completely. I was terrified because he wouldn't take a bottle. BUT, I couldn't give him my milk anymore, so I had to do it. He screamed forever the first few feedings, but eventually gave it up and took the bottle. It seems so sad to have them cry, but I promise you, she will take it eventually.
Also, going cold turkey with your milk HURTS!!!!! I would just nurse her morning and night, and maybe once in the day and ween from there. My boobs were ROCK HARD for 2 weeks, and it was HORRIBLE PAIN. Anyway, call me if you wanna talk!
I agree. Slowly wean her off. Also, Aaron never took a bottle...he weaned at 13 months, but while I was weaning I started him on a sippie cup and he took it great. At first I would pump breast milk and put that in and then he gradually went to just milk. Anywho, good luck with it all ;)
Ouch....I'll add this to the list of things I'm grateful for about adoption! Good luck Nat!
Claire started biting me. I'm not sure how you deal with it, but I just tell her "NO" very loudly and then put her down and stop nursing and walk away. She is a little older than yours and seems to understand no, although she doesn't always obey. She only did it twice and hasn't done it in over a month. Good luck either way you decide to go.
I know what you are going through but Jaeli will learn not to bite eventually. Put your finger in her mouth as she begins to latch on to stop the teeth from having contact with your nipple. I think it is better to nurse for about a year then the weaning process is simple because you are nursing less and thus have less milk by that time and the baby loses interest as they learn to eat and drink more. Hopefully you won't get an infection. It seems hard now but you will miss the closeness with your baby so hang in there...
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