
Swine, Swine Go Away!

While in California, Dan got really sick. A friend he was with took him into the Hospital. For those of you who know Dan, he has to be really, really miserable to even consider going to get help. For a little bit, we thought he may have the Swine Flu. Luckily, the Doctor told him he just has the regular flu. Don't get me wrong, the flu is not fun in any way, shape or form. We're just glad it wasn't as serious as we thought. Also, we are happy to hear that Tyler, Lindsey and Max are okay. Miss you guys!

I was just watching the News on channel 2 and was informed that Pharmacies are going to start giving the H1N1 Vaccine. If you go to www.connect2utah.com under Health, you can read more about it. I hope you are all feeling well!

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