
6 Months and Growing Like Weeds

I almost cried when I realized that my baby girls are already 6 months old!!!  Where has the time gone, TRULY?  Here are their stats:

* Weight: 12 lbs. 2 oz. (1%)
* Length: 22.4 in. (0%)
* Head: 15.6 cm. (1%)            
 - A whole pound heavier than her sissys
- Giggled for the first time on 7.31.12
- Loves her right thumb
-  Rolled over for the first time (stomach to back) on  7.30.12

* Weight: 11 lbs. 1 oz. (0 %)
* Length: 23.2 in. (1 %)
* Head: 15.6 cm. (1%)
- Is off oxygen all day...just wears it at night
- All meds are the same for now and we added a reflux med for her
- Rolled over for the first time (stomach to back) on 7.30.12
- Loves to TRY and blow rasperries
- Growls
- Can't find her thumb, so if she loses her paci, she sucks her thumb joint

* Weight: 11 lbs. 4 oz. (0%)
* Length: 24 in. (4%)
* Head: 37.5 cm. (0%)
- Giggles a lot
- Loves to have you talk to her
- Loves her left thumb
- She is my longest princess
- She has the most amazingly long eyelashes

  The girls are now measured on the "big baby" scale, not the preemie, so they are all int he 0%-1% in everything. They had to have their 6 month immunizations and they all just screamed....Jaeli, being the protective big sister, cried with them. Love my little princesses. We are so blessed to have 3 healthy girls and a GREAT big sister for them!!!!!
Couldn't pass up adding this beautiful picture of my Camli girl :)


Bedtime Stories with 'Pea'

Sisters and Friends

Talks and talks
Tries to sit up from laying
Close to rolling over
Found her hands
TOTAL daddy's girl

Found her toes
ALWAYS moving her hands
Talks and talks
Giggled for the first time on the 21st of July
Still at 1/32 of a liter for her oxygen but can go up to 6 hours off of it :)
Still taking both diuretics and her breathing treatments

Starting to talk
HUGE open mouthed smiles
Giggled for the first time on July 22
Finally found her thumb on July 20
Found her hands

Cam Cam and Brecky Bug

(L-R): Brecklin, Camli and Airalyn hangin' on mom and dad's bed

Air Bear's precious face

Jaeli with Brecky

Airalyn and Brecklin

Camli found her thumb

Brecklin so peaceful and sweet

Airalyn snoozin'

Jaeli talking with Camli....they have a special bond