
Do You Have Apples in YOUR Pants?

Jaeli was fervently searching the fruit basket on the kitchen table......I looked over, and she had taken a bite out of every apple. When I went back over to put them in the garbage, they were gone. Jaeli, where are the apples?," I asked. "They're in my pants Mommy," she replied. Well, she was right. Hmmmm.


Surgery and Cousin Max Visit

The day of the surgery.....April 1, 2001. Grandma Leishman took very good care of us by helping pick who would take care of our little Jaeli. Thanks mom! The surgery was really, really fast......I was happy about that, but it didn't stop the tears. I was so worried about our little 'Pea'. Daddy knew everything would be okay. Cute Jaeli with Grandma. She LOVED the hospital socks! HAHA!
The fam.......Daddy is STILL watching Curious George.
Jaeli watching too.
Cute picture of my little family.
MAXIMUS was here!
My favorite of all favorite pictures!
Cute little ones.
Grandma.....well, all of them have silly faces in this one.
Beautiful babies.